Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kimchee tuna

I threw together something tasty tonight. I had it on my list to make this week and of course tonight was the night I remembered I needed to buy kimchee. So I drove though the mush to the Asia Food Market and also came away with some red bean cakes to sustain us through the long drive home. And I want to say thank you, THANK YOU God, for the person who snow-blowed (snow-blew?) our driveway today. I am so grateful for that act of kindness my heart hurts.

Ok then, this recipe is not for the faint of heart. You have to be ok with your house smelling a little funky afterwards.

12 oz. tuna, drained
12 to 16oz kimchee
10 oz. spinach

Heat tuna and kimchee in a large pot. Add a little water. Add spinach and cover, steaming the spinach for 3-5 minutes. Stir everything together until the spinach wilts. Serve with rice and roasted seaweed.

Obviously not everyone's cup of tea, but I like it!


  1. Its Korean spicy pickled cabbage. Think sauerkraut in bigger pieces with ginger and hot pepper.
